【聯係方式】:136 1637 9298(微信同號)
月經周期不穩陰道分泌物綜合91桃色软件提示你的生育力可能正在降低。It is normal for a woman to have a period of between 21 and 35 days, but if it is too short or too long, you should pay attention。陰道分泌物綜合91桃色软件這是因為月經周期不穩,多與內分泌有關。
陰道分泌物綜合91桃色软件提示你如果月經周期少於21天,很有可能是因為黃體功能不足。黃體功能不足會影響到卵子的發育,進而影響到受孕率。If your menstrual cycle is longer than 35 days, you may have polycystic ovary syndrome or poor ovarian function, both of which can affect follicle development and normal ovulation, making it more difficult to conceive.
Reporting in on time for your period doesn't mean you're normal, and the amount of your period can affect your fertility. Ordinarily, the total amount of a female menstruation should be in 20-80ml. Anything less than 20ml is low menstruation, and anything more than 80ml is heavy menstruation。陰道分泌物綜合91桃色软件提示突然的量過多過少都應該引起重視,如果超過兩個周期,應及時就診。月經量過多是內分泌失調導致的,當體內雌激素不足,Luteal insufficiency, large areas of the endometrium off, although the development of follicles but no ovulation, naturally also unable to conceive. Menstruation is too little is anaemia, malnutrition, overwork or mental stress is too big. Improvements can be made with daily adjustments。